For general information on Schengen Visa Policy please visit the following website:


For general information on travelling to Hungary please visit the following websites:




Foreigners intending to stay more than 3 months in Hungary may apply for resident permit at the Hungarian Consulate in Milan.

For the purpose of employment or for the purpose of guest working from the 1st of January 2025 only the citizens of the following countries may successfully apply for a Hungarian residence permit:

  • Georgia
  • Armenia
  • The Philippines

Information on residence permit procedure including the dowloadable application form can be found on the official website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing:

To schedule an appointment, please visit our booking site.



General Data Protection Regulation – information to be provided to visa applicants concerning the personal data provided upon application


Information on the processing of your personal data:

The collection of your personal data required by this application form, the taking of your photograph and the taking of your fingerprints are mandatory for the examination of your visa application. Failure to provide such data will result in the application being inadmissible.

The authorities responsible for processing the data in Hungary are: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, H-1027 Budapest, Bem rkp. 47.,, E-mail:; National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60,, E-mail:


Contact details of the data protection officers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, H-1027 Budapest, Bem rkp. 47., DPO: dr. Vincze Viktor, E-mail:; National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60, DPO: dr. Pálfy Gabriella r. alezredes, E-mail:, Tel.: +36-1-463-9100


The legal basis for the collection and processing of your personal data is set out in Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 (VIS Regulation), Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 (Visa Code) and Council Decision 2008/633/JHA.

The data will be shared with the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities for the purposes of a decision on your visa application.

The data and data concerning the decision taken on your application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences.

Your personal data might also be transferred to third countries or international organisations for the purpose of proving the identity of third-country nationals, including for the purpose of return. Such transfer may only take place under certain conditions[1]. You can contact the authority responsible for processing the data (see contact details above) to obtain further information on these conditions and how they are met in your specific case.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation[2] and the VIS Regulation[3], you are entitled to obtain access to your personal data, including a copy of it, as well as the identity of the Member State which transmitted it to the VIS. You also have the right that your personal data which is inaccurate or incomplete be corrected or completed, that the processing of your personal data be restricted under certain conditions, and that your personal data processed unlawfully be erased.

You may address your request for access, rectification, restriction or erasure directly to the authority responsible for processing the data (see contact details above). Further details on how you may exercise these rights, including the related remedies according to the national law of the State concerned, are available on its website and can be provided upon request.

You may also address your request to any other Member State. The list of competent authorities and their contact details is available at:


You are also entitled to lodge at any time a complaint with the national data protection authority of the Member State of the alleged infringement, or of any other Member State, if you consider that your data have been unlawfully processed. The data protection authority of Hungary is: Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, H-1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11. E-mail: privacy@naih.huWebsite:

Please refer to the competent visa authority for information on the processing of other personal data that may be necessary for the examination of your application.


[1] Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 (VIS Regulation)

[2] Articles 15 to 19 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)

[3] Article 38 of Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 (VIS Regulation)




Schengen Information System (SIS)

The Schengen Area

The free movement of persons is a fundamental right guaranteed by the EU to its citizens. It entitles every EU citizen to travel, work and live in any EU country without special formalities. Schengen cooperation enhances this freedom by enabling citizens to cross internal borders without being subjected to border checks. The border-free Schengen Area guarantees free movement to more than 400 million EU citizens, as well as to many non-EU nationals, businessmen, tourists or other persons legally present on the EU territory.

Today, the Schengen Area encompasses most EU States, except for Cyprus and Ireland. On 31 March, 2024 Bulgaria and Romania became the newest Schengen members: the Schengen rules apply in both Member States including the issuing of Schengen visas and lifted controls at internal air and sea borders (checks at internal land borders between Bulgaria, Romania and the other Schengen countries have not yet been lifted). Additionally, non-EU States Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein have joined the Schengen Area. In addition, the Schengen evaluation process to assess the readiness to join the Schengen area is ongoing for Cyprus. The Schengen Information System in Cyprus has been already put into operation since July 2023.

The Schengen provisions abolish checks at the Union's internal borders, while tightening controls at the external borders applicable to those who enter the Schengen area for a short period of time (up to 90 days). The Schengen area relies on common rules covering in particular the crossing the EU external borders, harmonisation of the conditions of entry and of the rules on short stay visas, cross-border police cooperation and stronger judicial cooperation as well as establishing the Schengen Information System (SIS).


What is the Schengen Information System?

The Schengen Information System (SIS) is the most widely used and largest information sharing system for security and border management in Europe. As there are no internal borders between Schengen countries in Europe, SIS compensates for border controls and is the most successful cooperation tool for border, immigration, police, customs and judicial authorities in the EU and the Schengen associated countries. Competent national authorities, such as the police and border guards, are able to enter and consult alerts on people and objects in one common database.

Technically, SIS consists of three components: a central system (C.SIS), national SIS systems in all the countries using SIS (N.SIS) and a network between the systems.

Each country that uses SIS is responsible for setting up, operating and maintaining its national system and structures. The European Commission is responsible for general supervision, evaluating the system, and adopting implementing and delegated acts on how the SIS and SIRENE work. The EU Agency for large-scale IT systems (eu-LISA) is responsible for the operational management of the central system and the network.

An SIS alert does not only contain information about a particular person or object but also instructions for the authorities on what to do when the person or object has been found. The national SIRENE Bureaux located in each participating country serve as single points of contact for the exchange of supplementary information and coordination of activities related to SIS alerts.

A designated authority in each participating country has the responsibility for the operation of its section of the SIS.  The N-SIS II Office (Ministry of Interior, Deputy State Secretariat for Data Registers, Department for Schengen Matters and Users Management), oversees the data processing activities, and must ensure that such data is limited to one of the SIS’s defined purposes, such as border control, national security or law enforcement.

Should relevant information need to be transferred through the system, another authority acts as the central network exchange, SIRENE (Supplementary Information Request at National Entry) between the state and other cooperating countries.  In Hungary SIRENE Bureau is part of the International Law Enforcement Cooperation Centre (Hungarian National Police Headquarters).

Since 1995, the system has helped Europe preserve its security in the absence of internal border checks. Since the creation of its first version in 1995, the SIS system has been continuously developed and expanded in order to be able to meet the demands of the entry of new countries and to have new functions. In 2013, the second generation of SIS (SIS II) was rolled out, with additional functionalities and a new technical platform, such as the possibility of adding fingerprints and photographs to alerts.

In March 2023, SIS was renewed with new alerts, upgraded data and enhanced functionalities.   New categories of alerts and more data are shared through SIS, ensuring that more complete and more reliable information is available to the authorities in countries that use SIS.


What types of alerts and data are stored in the SIS?

A SIS alert contains information about a particular person or object together with instructions for the authorities on what to do when the person or object has been found. SIS only contains alerts on people or objects in pre-determined alert categories.

  • From March 2023, new categories of alerts and more data are shared through SIS, ensuring that more complete and more reliable information is available to the authorities in countries that use SIS: Return decisions: alerts in respect of third-country nationals subject to return decisions issued by the Schengen countries.
  • Refusal of entry or stay: alerts covering third-country nationals who are not entitled to enter into or stay in the Schengen Area.
  • Persons wanted for arrest: alerts for people for whom a European Arrest Warrant or Extradition Request (Switzerland and Liechtenstein) has been issued.
  • Missing persons: alerts to find missing persons, including children, and to place them under protection if lawful and necessary.
  • Children at risk of being abducted by their own parents, relatives or guardians: alerts to prevent such children from being abducted or going missing
  • Vulnerable persons whose travel must be prevented: alerts to protect vulnerable people (adults or children) from being taken unlawfully abroad or to prevent them from travelling without the necessary authorisations.
  • Persons sought to assist with a judicial procedure: alerts to find out the place of residence or domicile of people sought to assist with criminal judicial procedures (for example witnesses).
  • Persons and objects for discreet, inquiry or specific checks: alerts to obtain information on people or related objects for the purposes of prosecuting criminal offences and for the prevention of threats to public or national security.
  • Unknown wanted persons: alerts containing only finger-marks and palm marks belonging to a perpetrator of an offence discovered at the scenes of terrorist offences or other serious crimes under investigation. They are issued for the purposes of identifying the perpetrator under national law.
  • Objects for seizure or use as evidence in criminal procedures: alerts on objects (for example vehicles, travel documents, number plates and industrial equipment) being sought for seizure or use as evidence in criminal proceedings. Alerts on travel documents may also be issued specifically for preventing travel by the person who holds them.

The quality, accuracy and completeness of the data elements enabling identification are key to the success of SIS. For alerts on people, the minimum data set is:

  • name
  • year of birth
  • a reference to the decision giving rise to the alert
  • the action to be taken

When available, photographs and fingerprints must be added in order to facilitate identification and to avoid misidentification. The system also offers the possibility of adding links between alerts (for example, between an alert on a person and a vehicle).

Since 2013, SIS has been able to store fingerprints which may be used to confirm the identity of a person located by other means. The introduction of an AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) in March 2018 also allows people to be identified using just their fingerprints. As of March 2023, SIS also stores palm prints, finger-marks and palm marks. These are used for biometric searches and for the confirmation of identities. From March 2023, SIS also stores DNA profiles of people reported missing or of their parents, grandparents or siblings for the purpose of confirming identity. 

Who has access to the data in SIS?

SIS is a highly secure and protected database that is exclusively accessible to authorised users within competent authorities who are responsible for border control, police and customs checks the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of terrorist offences or other serious criminal offences or the enforcement of criminal penalties, examining visa applications and taking decisions relating to those applications etc.

The new SIS also gives wider access to other national authorities, such as competent national authorities who are responsible for issuing residents permits and long-stay visas as well as naturalisation, issuing registration certificates for vehicles, issuing registration certificates or ensuring traffic management for boats, including boat engines, and aircraft, including aircraft engines, issuing registration certificates for firearms, etc.

Several European Union agencies will have wider access to the SIS system. Members of Europol, Eurojust and Frontex teams have access to all data categories of the SIS to the extent necessary to carry out their tasks.

list of competent national authorities with access to SIS is published annually in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Data Subject’s Rights and the SIS

SIS has strict requirements on data quality and data protection. The national data protection authorities supervise the application of the data protection rules in their respective countries, while the European Data Protection Supervisor monitors how the data protection rules are being applied in the central system managed by eu-LISA. Both levels work together to ensure coordinated end-to-end supervision.

 In Hungary, the independent office of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information performs this function.

In accordance with EU and Hungarian laws, each person has the right to:

  • access SIS-stored information related to the person
  • request that inaccurate or false data is corrected
  • request the removal of its unlawfully processed data
  • turn to the courts or another competent authority to request the correction or removal of inaccurate data or petition for compensatory damages

You can exercise any of the above mentioned rights in any of the countries using SIS. Questions regarding the legality of collected data are reviewed according to the laws of the member state where the complaint has been brought. If the data concerned was recorded by another member state, the two states will closely collaborate to consider any legal issues. The national procedures and contact points for access requests for each country can be found in the Guide for exercising the right of access available on the website of the European Data Protection Supervisor (

In Hungary, anyone can request information of data stored on them in the SIS and have inaccurate data rectified or have unlawfully stored data erased. The request shall be submitted by the data subject or by their authorized lawyer in person at any Hungarian government office, any Hungarian police station or any Hungarian Consulate. The request is transferred to the SIRENE Bureau of the Hungarian National Police Headquarters’.

Your request shall include the following data:

1. Personal data of the applicant:

1.1. Family name(s) and surname(s)

1.2. Family name(s) and surname(s) at birth

1.3. Place and date of birth

1.4. Sex

1.5. Nationality

1.6. Travel document number (ID number)

1.7. Address (only one is required)

1.8. Mailing address (only one is required)

1.9. Phone number (optional)

1.10. Other contact details (e-mail, fax) (optional)

2. Applicant’s other communications


Contact details of the Hungarian Consulates:




Address: 1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4-6.
Tel. : 443-5861
Fax : 443-5815
E-mail :

The SIRENE Bureau has the right to refuse requests but is obliged to inform the person about the fact of and the reason for denial as well as about the possibility of legal remedy provided by the Privacy Act. Should you find that the SIRENE Bureau is not adequately responsive to your request, you then may turn to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information to initiate a revision procedure for the protection of your personal data.

If you decide so instead or beside these actions you may bring a lawsuit and ask the civil law court to make the data controller reimburse your financial loss related to unlawful data processing.



Visa Information System


The Visa Information System (VIS) allows Schengen States to exchange visa data. It consists of a central IT system and of a communication infrastructure that links this central system to national systems. VIS connects consulates in non-EU countries and all external border crossing points of Schengen States. It processes data and decisions relating to applications for short-stay visas to visit, or to transit through, the Schengen Area. The system can perform biometric matching, primarily of fingerprints, for identification and verification purposes.


Data is fed into the VIS by national authorities. The authorities with access to VIS must ensure that its use is limited to that which is necessary, appropriate and proportionate for carrying out their tasks. Furthermore, they must ensure that in using VIS, the visa applicants and holders are not discriminated against and that their human dignity and integrity are respected.


What kind of data is stored in the VIS database?


10 fingerprints and a digital photograph are collected from persons applying for a visa. These biometric data, along with data provided in the visa application form, are recorded in a secure central database.

10-digit finger scans are not required from children under the age of 12 or from people who physically cannot provide finger scans. Frequent travellers to the Schengen Area do not have to give new finger scans every time they apply for a new visa. Once finger scans are stored in VIS, they can be re-used for further visa applications over a 5-year period.

At the Schengen Area's external borders, the visa holder's finger scans may be compared against those held in the database. A mismatch does not mean that entry will automatically be refused - it will merely lead to further checks on the traveller’s identity.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas (VIS Regulation) data is stored in the VIS database if:

  • it is entered immediately upon application (Art.9)
  • stored once a visa is issued (Art.10);
  • the visa request examination process is discontinued (Art.11);
  • the visa was refused (Art.12);
  • the visa was revoked (Art.13);
  • the visa is extended (Art.14).

Data stored into the database concerns the identity of the authority examining the application, elements (like date, type of the visa) on the application process itself, the name of the applicant, the purpose of the travel, the length of the stay, a photography and a fingerprint.

Data is kept in the VIS system for up to 5 years, but if the data subject obtains a Member State's citizenship, his record must be erased immediately.

Which countries use VIS and who operates it?

As a Schengen instrument, VIS applies to all Schengen States (Denmark has decided to implement it). The EU Agency for large-scale IT systems, eu-LISA, is responsible for the operational management of VIS.

Who can access VIS?

Competent visa authorities may consult the VIS for the purpose of examining applications and decisions related thereto.

The authorities responsible for carrying out checks at external borders and within the national territories have access to search the VIS for the purpose of verifying the identity of the person, the authenticity of the visa or whether the person meets the requirements for entering, staying in or residing within the national territories.

Asylum authorities only have access to search the VIS for the purpose of determining the EU State responsible for the examination of an asylum application.

In specific cases, national authorities and Europol may request access to data entered into the VIS for the purposes of preventing, detecting and investigating terrorist and criminal offences. (see Council Decision 2008/633/JHA of 23 June 2008 for further information).

What are the data subject's rights?

Visa applicants must be given appropriate information from the national authorities that handle their request for a visa. This information should cover the nature of the data that is collected, the purpose of the collection, the period of retention of the data, which information is compulsory for the visa application process and which one isn't, and who can be granted access to this data.

Data subjects have a right to access their data, and ask for correction of false information as well as request deletion of unlawfully collected data. Each State being responsible for the data it feeds into the VIS, data subjects who are victims of unlawful VIS data processing may sue for compensation.

National data protection authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) cooperate to ensure the compliance of the VIS database with data protection rules.

In accordance with EU and Hungarian law, each person has the right to:

  • access VIS-stored information related to the person
  • request the correction of inaccurate or false data
  • request the removal of its unlawfully processed data
  • turn to the courts or another competent authority to request the correction or removal of inaccurate data or petition for compensatory damages


The request has to be lodged abroad to the authority that carries/carried out the procedure. More information can be found at the  webpage.



The request has to be lodged in Hungary to the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing

H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60,


The authority has the right to refuse requests but is obliged to inform the person about the fact of and the reason for denial. Should you find that the authority is not adequately responsive to your request, you then may turn to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:

National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf.: 9.
Office address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.

Tel: +36 1 391-1400
Fax: +36 1 391-1410